Ukrainian Embassies and Consulates Around the World

Ukrainian Banner Network

Argentina Calle Lafinur 3057 (1425), Buenos Aires tel: 802 7316,
fax: 802 3864
Austria Elisabethstrasse 13, 1010 Vienna tel: (43-222) 586 9717,
fax: (43-222) 586 3424
Belarus 17 Kirova vul., Minsk tel: (172) 27 2861,
fax: (172) 27 2357
Belgium Av. L. Lepoutre, 99-101, 1060 Bruxelles tel: (02) 344 4020,
fax: (02) 344 4466
Bulgaria 53 Simeonovsky Shosse, Ste. 11A, Sofia tel: 68 6042,
fax: 68 3064
Canada 331 Metcalfe st., Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1S3 tel: (613) 230 2961; 230 2638,
fax: (613) 230 2400
China 100600 Bejing, San Li Tun, Dong 6 Jie N 11 tel: 53 6359,
fax: 532 6765
Cuba 5-ta Av. 4405, e/44 y 46, Miramar, Havana tel: 33 25 86,
fax: 33 23 41
Czechia Vul. Ch. de Gaulle 20, 16000 Prague 6 tel: (42-2) 2422-6157; 2422-5895,
fax: (42-2) 3124-1466
Egypt 9. El Sara st. #31-32Do KKi, Cairo tel: 349 1030
Estonia EE0106 Tallinn, Endia 8 tel: (0146) 31 15 55,
fax: (0146) 31 15 56
Finland Vahaniityntic, 9C, 00570, Helsinki tel: (3580) 228 9000,
fax: (3580) 228 9001
France 21 Avenue de Saxe, 75007 Paris tel: (331) 4306.0737; 4306.0411,
fax: (331) 4306.0249
Georgia ??, Tbilisi tel: (832) 98 93 62
Germany Wald st. 42, 53177 Bonn tel: (49-228) 31 2139,
fax: (49-228) 31 8351
Great Britain 78 Kensington Park Road, London WI1 2PL tel: (071) 727 6312,
fax: (071) 792 1708
Greece 33 Athens st. 15452 P. Psychiko, Athens tel: (301) 671 8957,
fax: (301) 671 6652
Guinea BP. 1350 Villa No 46, Conakry tel: (224) 443 794,
fax: (224) 443708
Hungary 1125 Budapest, Ut. Nogradi, 8 tel: (361)155 2443; 155 9606,
fax: (361) 202 2287
India 176 Jorbagh, New Dehli 110003 tel: (8109711) 461 6017,
fax: (8109711) 461 6085
IndonesiaJl.Simprug Permata I, No.39,
Jakarta Selatan, 12 220,
Jakarta, Indonesia
tel: (62-21) 726 7575, (62-21) 720 5356,
fax: (62-21) 726 6969
Iran 101 Vanak st., Tehran tel: (9821) 800 8530,
fax: (9821) 800 7130
Israel 12 Stricker st., 62006 Tel Aviv tel: (972-03) 604 0141; 604 0242,
fax: (972-03) 604 2512
Italy 50 Via Bastelfidardoro, 00185 Rome tel: (396) 447 00 172,
fax: (396) 447 00 181
Japan ??, Tokyo? tel: (813) 343 20916; 343 20917; 343 20970
Kazakhstan 52 Lenina pr., Hotel "Kazakhstan", room 611, 612, Alma-Ata tel: (3274) 61 91034
Latvia 3 Kalpaka bul., Riga LV-1050 ??
Lithuania 22 Turnisu 2016, Vilnius tel: (0122) 77 3626, 76 2859
Moldova 31 August st., room 127, Chisinau tel: (0422) 23 7919,
fax: (0422) 23 7922
Poland al Szucha 7, 00580 Warsaw tel: (482) 625 0127,
fax: (482) 625 3230
Russia vul Stanislavskogo 18, 103009, Moscow tel: (095) 229 1079,
fax: (095) 924 8469
Romania Bucharest, Sector 1, str. Rabat, 1 tel: (401) 3124547,
fax: (401) 312 4514
Slovakia Radvanska, c. 35, Bratislava tel: (42-7) 33 1672,
fax: (42-7) 31 2651
Sweden 5 Markvardsgatan, 11353, Stokholm tel: (468) 612 7566
Switzerland 5 Feedeggweg, 3005, Bern tel: (4131 352 2316,
fax: (4131) 351 6416
Turkey 9 Cemal Nadir Sok, Canka, 06690 Ankara tel: (90312) 439 9973,
fax: (90312) 440 6815
UAE AbuDhabi, P.O. Box 45714 tel: (9712) 327585,
fax: (9712) 327506
States of
Embassy: 3350 M Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20007 tel: (202) 333 0606; 333-7507,
fax: (202) 333 0817
Consulate: 2247 W. Chicago ave., Chicago, IL 60622 tel: (312) 384 6632
fax: (312) 642-4385
Consulate: 240 East 49 str., New York NY 10017 tel: (212) 371 5690
fax: (212) 371-5547